
List of publications in reverse chronological order

  1. Compiling Abstract State Machines to C++
    by J. Schmid
      author    = {J. Schmid},
      title     = {Compiling Abstract State Machines to C++},
      booktitle = {Formal Methods and Tools for Computer Science, Eurocast},
      publisher = {Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria},
      year      = {2001},
      editor    = {R. Moreno-D{\`\i}az and A. Quesanda-Arencibia},
      note      = {Extended Abstract}
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  2. Java bytecode verification is not possible
    by R. Stärk, J. Schmid
      author    = {R. F. St{\"a}rk and J. Schmid},
      title     = {Java bytecode verification is not possible},
      booktitle = {Formal Methods and Tools for Computer Science, Eurocast},
      publisher = {Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria},
      year      = {2001},
      editor    = {R. Moreno-D{\`\i}az and A. Quesanda-Arencibia},
      note      = {Extended Abstract}
    [ Postscript | PDF ]
  3. Java and the Java Virtual Machine [2001]
    by R. Stärk, J. Schmid, E. Börger.
       author    = {R. F. St{\"a}rk and J. Schmid and E. B{\"o}rger},
       title     = {Java and the Java Virtual Machine: Definition, Verification and Validation},
       publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
       year      = {2001}
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  4. Composition and Submachine Concepts for Sequential ASMs [2000]
    by E. Börger, J. Schmid
      author    =   {E. B\"orger and J. Schmid},
      title     =   {Composition and Submachine Concepts},
      booktitle =   {Computer Science Logic (CSL 2000)},
      series    =   {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
      editor    =   {P. G. Clote and H. Schwichtenberg},
      number    =   {1862},
      pages     =   {41--60},
      publisher =   {Springer-Verlag},
      year      =   {2000}
    [ Postscript | PDF ]
  5. Report on a Pratical Application of ASMs in Software Design [2000]
    by E. Börger, P. Päppinghaus, J. Schmid
      author = 	 {E. B\"orger and P. P\"appinghaus and J. Schmid},
      title  =       {Report on a Practical Application of {ASMs} in Software Design},
      editor =       {Y. Gurevich and P. Kutter and M. Odersky and L. Thiele},
      booktitle =    {Abstract State Machines},
      series =	 {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
      publisher =    {Springer-Verlag},
      number =       {1912},
      year =	 {2000}
    [ Postscript | PDF ]
  6. Capturing Requirements by Abstract State Machines: The Light Control Case Study [2000]
    by E. Börger, E. Riccobene, J. Schmid
      author =       {E. B\"orger and E. Riccobene and J. Schmid},
      title =        {Capturing Requirements by {A}bstract {S}tate {M}achines: The {L}ight {C}ontrol Case Study},
      journal =      {Journal of Universal Computer Science},
      volume =       {6},
      number =       {7},
      year =         {2000}
    [ Postscript | PDF ]