AsmGofer Prelude

First element of the listhead :: [a] -> aLast element of the list
last :: [a] -> aAll elements except the first one
tail :: [a] -> [a]All elements except the last one
init :: [a] -> [a]Length of a list
length :: [a] -> Int
instance Eq [a] => Eq {a} where Set xs == Set ys = (xs == ys) instance Ord [a] => Ord {a} ...Conversion from list to set
mkSet :: Ord a => [a] -> {a}Map function for sets
setmap :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> {a} -> {b} setmap f xs = { f(x) | x <-: xs }Combining sets
union :: Ord a => {a} -> {a} -> {a} bigUnion :: Ord a => -> {a} intersect :: Ord a => {a} -> {a} -> {a} difference :: Ord a => {a} -> {a} -> {a}Test for empty set
empty :: {a} -> BoolDetermine cardinality of a set
card :: {a} -> IntGet one arbitrary element of a set. The function can only be applied to non empty sets.
one :: {a} -> aFold on non empty sets
fold1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> {a} -> aConvertion from set to list
expr2list :: {a} -> [a]
Gofer extensions for ASMs
Fixity declarationinfixl 0 :=Skip rule
skip :: Rule ()Firing rules
fire1 :: Rule () -> IO () fire :: Int -> Rule () -> IO () fireWhile :: Bool -> Rule () -> IO () fireUntil :: Bool -> Rule () -> IO () fixpoint :: Rule () -> IO ()Putting trace information in a rule. The first parameter is the trace action.
trace :: IO () -> Rule () -> Rule ()Creating dynamic functions
initVal :: (Eq a, AsmTerm a) => String -> a -> Dynamic a initValStdin :: String -> Dynamic String initValStdout :: Bool -> String -> Dynamic String initAssocs :: (AsmTerm key, AsmTerm val, AsmOrd key, Eq val) => String -> [(key,val)] -> Dynamic (key -> val)Predefined dynamic functions
stdout :: Dynamic String stdout = initValStdout False "stdout" stdin :: Dynamic String stdin = initValStdin "stdin"Accessing information stored in dynamic functions
assocs :: Dynamic (key -> val) -> [(key,val)] assocs = primAsmAssocs dom :: Dynamic (key -> val) -> {key} dom = mkSet . map fst . assocs ran :: Dynamic (key -> val) -> {val} ran = mkSet . map snd . assocs inDom :: key -> Dynamic (key -> val) -> Bool inDom = primAsmInDom notInDom :: key -> Dynamic (key -> val) -> Bool notInDom key fun = not(key `inDom` fun)Datatypes and instances
data Rule a = Skip | Rule ... instance Functor Rule where map f (Rule m) = Rule (map f m) map f Skip = Skip instance Monad Rule where result = Rule . result Rule m `bind` f = Rule (m `bind` (\x -> let Rule r = f x in r)) Skip `bind` f = f (error "skip does not return a value") instance Monad0 Rule where zero = Skip instance MonadPlus Rule where a ++ b = do a; b class AsmOrd a where asmCompare :: a -> a -> Int class AsmTerm a where (:=) :: Dynamic a -> a -> Rule () asmDefault :: a asmDefault = primAsmDefault () instance AsmTerm Bool where asmDefault = False instance AsmTerm Int instance AsmTerm Float instance AsmTerm Char instance AsmTerm String instance AsmTerm a => AsmTerm [a] instance (AsmTerm a, AsmTerm b) => AsmTerm (a,b) instance (AsmTerm a, AsmTerm b, AsmTerm c) => AsmTerm (a,b, c) instance (AsmTerm a, AsmTerm b, AsmTerm c, AsmTerm d) => AsmTerm (a,b, c, d) instance AsmTerm a => Eq a where (==) = genericEq instance AsmTerm a => AsmOrd a where asmCompare = genericCmp
Combining rules (only version 1.1)
Sequential execution of rulesseq :: Rule () -> Rule () -> Rule ()The rule x := 1 `seq` x := 2 is equivalent to x := 2, because the second rule overwrites the value of x assigned by the first rule. On the other side, the rule x := 1 `seq` x := x + 1 is equivalent to x := 2, because the second rule uses the value of x assigned by the first rule.
Iteration of a rule until a fixpoint is reached (no further updates)
iterate :: Rule () -> Rule ()There are some nice features
- iterate skip is equivalent to skip
- iterate (if cond then r else skip behaves like the normal while loop.
- iterate (x := 1) is a never ending computation (update set is always non-empty).
Multi agent ASMs (only version 1.1)
Predefined dynamic function holding active agentsagents :: Dynamic (Agent -> Bool)Randomly choosing one rule to fire.
multi :: Dynamic (a -> (a -> Rule ())) -> Rule ()Let acts be a dynamic function from type a to type a -> Rule (). The type a could be an agent. If x is an element of type a in the domain of acts then acts(x) is a function from type a to type Rule ().
The expression multi acts chooses one x in the domain of acts and returns rule (acts x) x.
- agents
- assocs
- bigUnion
- card
- difference
- dom
- empty
- expr2list
- fire
- fire1
- fireUntil
- fireWhile
- fixpoint
- fold1
- head
- init
- initAssocs
- initVal
- initValStdin
- initValStdout
- intersect
- inDom
- iterate
- last
- length
- multi
- notInDom
- one
- ran
- seq
- skip
- stdin
- stdout
- tail
- union
Last modified on May 30, 2001, Joachim Schmid