The Light Control System

The Light Control System

This page provides some information about testing the ASM specification for the light control system. The implementation is a graphical user interface which allows interaction with the control system. You can enter rooms, switch light on and off, simulate malfunction of light sensors and motion sensors and so on.

Implemented building

The ASM specification is designed for any building. However the building defined in this implementation consists only of one floor and eight rooms. Four rooms on the left side and the other rooms on the right side. You are free to create other buildings. In this case you have to modify the corresponding definitions in basic/
Each room and the hallway section has one motion sensor. Four rooms together has a light sensor. There is one light sensor for the rooms on the left side and another sensor for the rooms on the right side of the floor.

Information about starting

We assume that you can start AsmGofer and downloaded the example. Your current working directory should contain the following files:
Start AsmGofer and load the project light.p
joe@venus:~/asm/light > asmgofer
=== AsmGofer v1.0.1 (TkGofer v2.0) ===
(with modules: guiMonad, widget, time, io, concurrent, asmvar)
Gofer Version 2.30a  Copyright (c) Mark P Jones 1991-1994

Reading script file “/home/joe/cvs_eth/AsmGofer/Preludes/tk.prelude-all-asm”:

Gofer session for:
Type :? for help
? :p light.p

? main

After typing main the graphical user interface will

Description of the GUI

The main user interface consists of three windows: The malfunction database, the control window and the building.

Malfunction window Malfunction database The malfunction database contains all malfunctions and is updated after pressing the update button or after 10 seconds.

Control window With the control window you can start and stop the simulation by pressing the start button. The text on the button switches between start and stop respectively. The scaler for delay in ms controls the main speed and motion-cycle and light-cycle determines when the corresponding rules will be called. A value of 1 means each cylce, a value of 2 only every second cycle and so on. The window shows also the energie consumption.

Floor window Floor window The Floor window allows to interact with the control system. The rooms are numbered from 1 to 8. Clicking the corresponding number opens a new window. The room window is described below.
Each room has its own list of malfunctions. This list is accessible by pressing the M right to the corresponding room number in the Floor window. Under the room number there is a Off button. This is the manually switch off button for the facility manager. Please notice that the light could only be turned off if the room is not occupied. Room occupation is denoted by a yellow background for the room number.
There are two scalers for the light sensors. Each light sensor has a check button determing whether the sensor works correctly (marked).
There is one remaining check button determing whether the hallway button works correctly. The hallway can be controlled in the same way as rooms.

Room window Room window On the top or bottom you can either see a button labeled with closed or open. This button displays the current state of the door to the hallway section. You can switch the state by pressing the button.
There are three other buttons panel, window and wall. Pressing the button panel opens the control panel for the room. The buttons window and wall are the wall switches for the ceiling lights. The illuminance of the lights are shown in the middle of the window. We have six wall ceiling lights and six window ceiling lights. Initially all lights are black (off).
The motion sensor is realized by three radio buttons. State A means always motion, M only motion when clicking and D is a defect motion detector. If you change the mode to M and the simulation is running then for instance the default light scene should be activated.